No other nation in the world says ‘Welcome’ as often as the Egyptians, and every time, they mean it. While the ancient civilization of Egypt continues to amaze, contemporary Egyptians are equally remarkable.
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Kharga Cultural Museum
Welcome to the Kharga Cultural Museum, a fascinating repository of antiquities that chronicle the history of Kharga and Dakhla Oases. This museum stands as one of the latest additions to the Egyptian Ministry of Culture’s regional museums, offering a comprehensive view of the historical journey of humanity through the Egyptian deserts. Housed in a building constructed from local bricks, echoing the architectural style of early Christian structures seen at Bagawat, the museum spans the Egyptian Prehistoric Period to the Islamic Era.
Prehistory and the Old Kingdom Collection
The museum’s first floor presents an array of artifacts, shedding light on the earliest human presence in the Western Desert. Exhibits include prehistoric tools, ostrich eggs, and various artifacts discovered in the Western Desert, showcasing the region’s ancient inhabitants. Many of these items were unearthed by the Dakhla Oasis Project and the Royal Ontario Museum’s Kharga Prehistory Project, complemented by bilingual Arabic and English object labels.
During Pharaonic times, the oases served as crucial provinces, boasting large settlements that defended Egypt’s western and southern borders. The museum features funerary items from Pharaonic tombs, including fragments from the Dynasty VI tomb of Ima-Pepi and a false-door stela of Khent-Ka, both dating back to the Old Kingdom. These significant artifacts, discovered by the French Mission at Balat in Dakhla Oasis, highlight the region’s historical importance. Khent-Ka, the Governor of the Oasis during the Sixth Dynasty, has his restored mastaba tomb at Qila el-Da’ba in Dakhla. Of note, Khent-Ka’s limestone false door contains the earliest known reference to the word “oasis,” represented as “wahet.”
Another remarkable find from Balat is a small but exquisite double statue of Ima Pepi, the “Governor of the Oasis,” and his wife. These statues offer a glimpse into the lives of ancient elites. Additionally, the museum showcases sarcophagi and mummy masks, including a Graeco-Roman sarcophagus made of painted sycamore wood, discovered at Labekha by the French Mission.
The Greco-Roman Collection
The museum houses a collection of Graeco-Roman cartonnage mummy masks, characterized by their vibrant colors and occasional gilding. These masks were placed over the faces of the deceased, creating a captivating display. Among the highlights are three human-headed lion sphinxes discovered at Deir el-Hagar Temple in Dakhla. These Roman statues stand apart, as two of them are crouched in an upright position, adorned with human features. One of these sphinxes is a female with wings, a departure from typical Egyptian sphinxes. The museum also features smaller objects from excavations in the New Valley, including a collection of ba-birds found at Dush by the French Mission. These tiny, colorful wooden birds were buried with the deceased to protect their five parts of the soul during the journey to the afterlife.
Roman presence in the Western Oases is exemplified through various artifacts such as glassware, ceramics, and coins, unearthed by numerous archaeological teams. Notably, the Canadian Mission, led by Professor Tony Mills, made a groundbreaking discovery at Ismant el-Kharab in Dakhla Oasis. Here, wooden “notebooks” or codices were found, crafted from locally sourced acacia wood and dating back to the 360s CE. These are the earliest complete bound books ever discovered, offering insights into accounts, payments in kind by tenant farmers, marriage contracts, and letters from Roman times.
Several ostraca (pottery sherds used for writing) provide valuable glimpses into daily life in the oases. One notable ostracon contains an unfinished private letter between two individuals, Psumenais and Kanah, addressed to a monk named Phibamon from Tamou.
In addition to the Kellis notebooks, the museum’s second ground floor showcases exceptionally well-preserved wooden pens, pen cases, and an inkstand from Kharga. The collection also boasts wooden carpentry and woodworking tools from Graeco-Roman Dakhla, offering insight into ancient craftsmanship. Visitors can explore medical instruments, cosmetic items, coins, jewelry, pottery, and faience shabits (funerary figurines). These artifacts provide a comprehensive view of daily life in the oasis during different historical periods.
Coptic and Islamic Collection
The second floor of the museum is dedicated to Christian and Islamic artifacts from the oases, spanning from the 3rd century onwards. This collection includes various religious items and culturally significant articles that reflect the region’s rich heritage. Exhibits encompass textiles, icons, pottery, ceramics, books, and coins. Notably, the museum features 18th-century wooden painted icons on loan from the Coptic Museum in Cairo, depicting the Virgin Mary with the infant Jesus and the martyr Mari Girgis (St. George) slaying the Dragon, a universal motif.
A dedicated room houses silverware, including plates and tablecloths, from the Manial Palace in Cairo. The Islamic cultural artifacts on display include coin collections and numerous folk items that offer insights into the customs and traditions of the New Valley.
The Kharga Cultural Museum stands as a treasure trove of history and culture, inviting visitors to embark on a journey through time, from prehistory to the Islamic era, in the heart of Egypt’s Western Desert. It is a testament to the resilience and rich heritage of the people who have called this oasis home for millennia.
Note: This museum guide is provided in English for your convenience.
Created On 18 March, 2020
Updated On 26 Aug , 2024