No other nation in the world says ‘Welcome’ as often as the Egyptians, and every time, they mean it. While the ancient civilization of Egypt continues to amaze, contemporary Egyptians are equally remarkable.
Historical Tapestry
Siwa Oasis: Desert Retreat
Siwa Oasis, located in Egypt, is a place of deep historical and cultural significance. Its history, dating back to prehistoric times, reveals a connection with civilizations from Libya, North Africa, and the Nile Valley..
1. Ancient Beginnings and Cultural Connections
- Early Population: Siwa was inhabited by people from western civilizations, sharing cultural aspects with Libya, North Africa, and the Nile valley.
- Historical Names: Over the ages, from Greek and Roman times through the Middle Ages, Siwa has been known by various names.
2. Trade and Religion
- Trade Route Hub: The oasis was a crucial link for trade caravans traversing from the Nile valley to Libyan Mediterranean harbors, attracting traders from Africa and beyond.
- Religious Center: Siwa flourished as a religious hub, especially noted for the Oracle of Amun, which attracted many, including Alexander the Great.
3. Historical Events and Changes
- Persian Invasion: The 26th Dynasty ended with Cambyses’ invasion, whose army mysteriously disappeared in a sandstorm.
- Alexander the Great: His visit to the Oracle of Amun in 331 BC was a significant event, claiming his divine lineage from Zeus Amun.
- Decline: The spread of Christianity and the fall of the Roman Empire led to a decline in the sixth century AD, further impacted by the Arabian invasion in 640 AD.
4. Siwa Under Arabian Rule
- Choices for the Natives: Faced with the Arabian army, the Amazigh people chose to flee, leaving their treasures hidden.
- Settlement in Siwa: Finding the oasis, they settled here, creating a new home amidst its lush environment.
5. Siwa’s Evolving Governance
- Building the Citadel: In 1103 AD, the Amazigh built a citadel for protection against attacks and mosquitoes.
- Independent Governance: Siwa was governed independently for centuries, with unique laws and customs.
- Egyptian Conquest: In 1840, Mohamed Ali’s invasion ended Siwa’s independence, imposing new taxes and hardships.
6. Modern Siwa
- Opening Up to the World: President Anwar Sadat’s visit in 1977 marked a turning point, leading to improved accessibility and development.
- Educational and Social Advancements: The introduction of schools and services marked significant progress.
7. Population Growth and Expansion
- Fluctuating Population: From a mere forty in the twelfth century to around twenty thousand today, Siwa’s population continues to grow.
In summary, Siwa Oasis is not just a geographic location but a living historical entity. Its journey through various civilizations, trade importance, religious significance, and eventual integration into modern Egypt reflects a rich and varied past. The oasis continues to evolve, preserving its unique heritage while adapting to contemporary changes.
Created On March 18, 2020
Updated On Aug , 2024
SIWA OASIS Travel Guide